Bd. 6 (2015): Societas Ethica Jahrestagung 2015: Globalisierung und globale Gerechtigkeit, 20-23 August, Linköping, Schweden

The proceedings from the Societas Ethica’s annual conference 2015 looks different than previous years. We do not publish the full papers this year. The reason for this change is that less and less papers have been submitted the last years due to the fact that most academic journals are hesitant to publish articles that already have been published in conference proceedings. So, in order to be able to mirror the conferences, the board of Societas Ethica decided that it is better that the conference proceedings contain the paper abstracts.
The proceedings contain three parts; first, the thematic introduction by the President, then the key note speeches and the responses to the key notes and finally, the conference paper abstracts.

I want to thank all who contributed to the conference proceedings. Thank you key note speakers and respondents for your willingness to share your contributions and thank you paper presenters for letting us publish your abstracts!

Linköping in October 2015

Editor: Göran Collste, President of Societas Ethica 2011-2015.

Serie: Linköping University Electronic Press Workshop and Conference Collection, 6 (2015)
162 siten



Welcome address and thematic introduction
Göran Collste, President of Societas Ethica

Rethinking Social Justices for a Global World
Jan Aart Scholte

Global Responsibility and the Enhancement of Life
William Schweiker

Response to W. Schweiker: Global Responsibility and the enhancement of life
Hille Haker

Does Global Justice Require More than Just Global Institutions?
Kok Chor Tan

Response to Kok-Chor Tan’s presentation
Nigel Dower

Structural injustice and the irrelevance of attachment
Lea Ypi

Comments on ”Structural Injustice and the Irrelevance of Attachment”
Marcus Agnafors

The Art of Global Solidarity
Anna Abram

Weltethos für die globalisierte Welt
Erwin Bader

Catholicism and Cosmopolitanism: The Symmetry of Three Catholic Scholars and the Cosmopolitan Democrats Regarding Nation-State Sovereignty
Matthew Bagot

Mobile Borders and ‘Trust‘ in Technology
Maren Behrensen

Extraordinary Rendition and Ethical Complicity in a Globalised World
Ross W. Bellaby

Reframing Governance of Global Finance Through Cosmopolitan Ethics
Marin Beroš, Ivo Pilar (co-authored with Marta Božina Beroš)

The Paradox of Demos Constitution: Is there a Solution Within the Democratic Theory?
Zlata Bozac

Heideggerian Virtue Ethics as a Global Ethics
Waldemar Brys

Women Migration & the Problem of Left-behind: A Socio-ethical Perspective
Madhuchhanda Bhattacharyya Chatterjee

Is Rectification for Colonial Wrongs Reasonable? The Case of the Caribbean
Göran Collste

Globalization and Responsibility for Human Rights
Andries De Smet

Global Justice and the Legitimacy of TRIPS ‘Plus’ Agreements
Lisa Diependaele

What Makes FairTrade Fair?
Nigel Dower

Global Ethics and Communication
Jenny Ehnberg

Action Guidance in Theorizing Global Justice: Social Contract vs. Social Choice Approach ...
Ali Emre Benli

The Ethics of Monetary Incentives for Refugee Repatriation
Mollie Gerver

The Ethics of Albert Schweitzer as an Inspiration for the Global Ethics
Roman Globokar

Global Justice and Administrative Law
Kevin W. Gray

Global Justice in Lutheran Political Theology
Carl-Henric Grenholm

Mehr haben und mehr wollen: Eine gerechtigkeitsethische Auseinandersetzung mit den Annahmen über die Tätigkeiten von Wohlhabenden
Andrea Günter

Disobedience in the Theory of International Society: Ethics and Security
Ronnie Hjorth

Trafficking of Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal
Jan Jans

Can You Know Justice Without Knowing Specific Facts? An Epistemic Criticism of Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance
Tulsa Jansson

Right Claims in Public Critique Against the Expulsion of Asylum Seeking Children
Jonathan Josefsson

Realizing Global Justice: Reconciling Rawlsian and Nozickian views of Justice
Dickson Kanakulya

Two Incompatible Doctrines of Sufficiency
Philipp Kanschik

Globale Gerechtigkeit aus einer finanzethischen Perspektive
Peter G. Kirchschläger

Global Waste Management and the Responsibility of Global Corporations
George Kodimattam Joseph

The Borders of Egalitarian Justice
Sebastian Lagunas Rosén

Enjeux internationaux et éthiques de la crise Ebola, gestion systémique: Un exemple de questionnement éthique complexe
Virginie Lecourt

Do I Need to Identify Myself With the Whole of Humanity in Order to Feel Solidarity on a Global Level?
Nina Lehtola

Ethik der Globalökonomie : Diagnose einer Krise
Ralf Lüfter

Objectification and Rectification
Antonina Matundura

How Justice Works? A Model in the Confucian Ethics
Li Maosen

Preservation of Threatened Species as a Global Ethical Challenge
Anders Melin

“I Have to Remain Here”, Dignity in the End of Life
Sofia Morberg Jämterud

Human Dignity and Protection of Rights: A Case Against Legalistic Reductionism
Elena Namli

International Proxy Agency: A New Framework for Ethical Analysis of Peacebuilding Processes
Johanna Ohlsson

Irregular Migration: A Sign of our Globalized Times
Elin Palm

Countering Contemporary Racism: The Essential Ethical Dimension of Human Rights
Madelene Persson

Nationalism, Complex Belongings and Cosmopolitan Encounters in the Australian Context
Stefanie Plage & Indigo Willing (co-authored with Ian Woodward& Zlatko Skrbiš)

Talents in the Service of Justice? Capabilities, Compliance, and Responsible Ownership
Ville Päivänsalo

Political Virtues and Recreational Vices: The Impact of International Drug Traffic on the Democratic Institutional Ordering of Vulnerable Societies
Hector David Rojas

Human Rights as ius cosmopoliticum
João Cardoso Rosas

Responsibility to Protect: From the Perspective of Applied Ethics
Naveed Sattar

The Challenge of Feeding a Hungry World: The UN Global Compact and Catholic Social Teaching in Dialogue
Angela Senander

Aesthetic Reflexivity: A Way Toward Ethics and Global Community
Luca Serafini

Bringing the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Home: General and Special Responsibilities to Protect Refugees Fleeing Mass Atrocities
James Souter

A Social Constructivist Account of Bestowed Moral Equality
Per Sundman

Le commerce international fournit-il une raison de mondialiser la justice sociale? Trois modèles
Mathilde Unger

Distributive Goals in Climate Justice: Equality, Priority, or Sufficiency
Makoto Usami

To Care For Justice: Care Ethics as a Link Between Moral Philosophy and Theology in the Global Duties Debate
Ellen van Stichel

‘Greening Islam’: Religious Metanarratives and Practices of Sustainability
Donatella Vincenti

Towards Cosmopolitan Democracy: Reconceptualizing Cosmopolitan Citizenship from an Anarchist Lens
Sean M. P. Wilson

What is Human Right to Mobility? Interests, Prospects, and Limitations
Yusuf Yuksekdag

Veröffentlicht: 2015-11-27