When Do I Need to Change a Part? – Lifetime Analysis of Dynamic Helicopter Components


  • Fabian Maletzke


helicopter, fatigue, lifetime, rainflow counting, linear damage accumulation


Numerous examples from the past show that a failure of a single part of an aircraft can lead to a catastrophic event. Therefore aircraft and all their dynamically loaded parts are required to have a finite Service Life Limit (SLL). This paper gives a brief overview of a calculation method used to determine lifetimes of dynamic helicopter components (fatigue evaluation) using linear damage accumulation. It is based on the Certification Specification for Large Rotorcraft CS-29 of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency.




How to Cite

Maletzke F. When Do I Need to Change a Part? – Lifetime Analysis of Dynamic Helicopter Components. ExCon [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 20 [cited 2024 Oct. 4];8(4):35-6. Available from: https://wcc.ep.liu.se/index.php/TMAL02/article/view/556