Conceptualizing diversity as the hybrid space of negotiation in Swedish ECEC policy
Publicerad 2023-06-16
Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Papakosma

Detta verk är licensierat under en Creative Commons Erkännande-IckeKommersiell 4.0 Internationell-licens.
Session: Mångfald och deltagande i förskolan
The aim of this article is to examine contemporary conceptualizations of cultural and linguistic diversity in the official Swedish policy for early childhood education and care (ECEC). The analysis draws on in-depth interviews with high-level policy actors and relevant documentary material. Using the concepts of ‘interculturality’ (Dervin & Simpson, 2021) and ‘hybridity’ (Bhabha, 1994) as theoretical tools the study explores understandings of diversity at preschool and connects these with the role of the preschool in culturally and linguistically diverse settings. The findings suggest that preschool is seen as a ´third space’ where negotiation and dialogue emerges, embedded in dynamic notions of culture and varied identifications of multilingualism. Despite the consensus over the functions of the Swedish language in the preschool, there are several conceptual constructions of the multilingual child. These constructions are reflected in the multiple roles assigned to preschool. They are also associated with political and market-oriented demands based on preparing, preventing and promoting educational and welfare values to children and parents from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Bhabha, H. (1994). The location of culture. Routledge.p
Dervin, F., & Simpson, A. (2021). Interculturality and the political within education. Routledge.